When Supergirl first premiered on CBS, we knew we had a fun superhero show with a feminist twist. Melissa Benoist may be doing a wonderful job of holding her own as the lead character. But it’s really Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) who steals the show! As Kara’s boss and an overall powerful woman, Flockhart makes Cat an instantly likable character. Whether you love her or love to hate her, there are plenty of reasons why Cat Grant is the best part of the hit series!
1. She doesn’t see anything wrong with being a “girl.”
Cat’s speech in the pilot about why there is no problem with emphasizing the “girl” in “Supergirl” proved this was the feminist superhero show of our generation.
2. Her “spin around in a chair dramatically” game is on point.
3. She doesn’t have time for unorginality.
4. She will fight against any walking personification of white male privilege.
5. She is sick of hearing about a certain Man of Steel when there is so much girl power to be proud of.
6. She knows how to enjoy a good meal.
7. She doesn’t let rejection get to her.
8. She believes in hard work.
9. She has an interesting way of using metaphors.
10. She knows the greatest hero comes from within.
11. She has a heart.
This was one of the first moments where Cat Grant was portrayed as human rather than Kara’s feisty boss.
12. She always has Kara’s back…even over her own mother’s.
13. Despite her own harsh mother, she is actually a positive voice in her own child’s life.
When Kara babysat Cat’s son, Carter (Levi Miller), we got a firsthand look at how she is at home. For someone who is such a workaholic, Cat actually instills strong messages to her kid.
14. She was smart enough to figure out Supergirl’s identity on her own.
15. And despite her tough exterior, she is always grateful for everything Supergirl has done.