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The Funniest Jokes, Lines, and Moments in This Week’s ‘Bob’s Burgers’ (Season 4, Episode 4)

Bob's Burgers, Season 4 Ep 4© 2013 FOX BROADCASTING

This week offers a standard episode of Bob’s Burgers: Bob shotguns a beer out of the taxidermied iguana in the living room of a frathouse, Linda sells vibrators out of the Belcher living room, and we find out that Gene’s been keeping a secret cat under his bed (and Tina knows about it). On a scale from “pretty good” to “Tina-Rannasauras Wrecks,” this week’s “My Big Fat Greek Bob” lands at about a “My Fuzzy Valentine” in terms of episode (and titular pun) quality. There isn’t even any Teddy, though Larry Murphy does get to play Linda’s friend and sex toy saleslady Tammy.

But here are the gems of the week — a look at some of the episode’s best moments:

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Bob’s always at his best when under the influence, and this week his drunken rendition of “You Oughta Know” is outstanding.

Linda’s first attempt at persuading customers she’s an avid fan of Tammy’s Ladygoods: “Bob has a condition that makes him sex bad.”

What really sells Tina’s persistent lovesick horniness is her absolute lack of pretension. Even the sloppy losers in Bob’s Beta House are good enough for her to spelunk in their man cave. As always, she takes a souvenier, this time a pair of tighty-whities. “Oh, how’d these get on?”

Of course, Gene is enamored by frat life. “You pee out the window? That settles it, I’m definitely going to college!” 

Louise gets the short straw this week, largely sitting out the episode. But her muttering as she tries to break into the frat’s Room of Secrets with a credit card is well sold by Kristen Schaal, particularly when she fails. “Dammit!” 

Guest Star MVP
While it’s tough to deny Ken Jeong, Kurt Braunholer, and newcomer Hannibal Burress, the prize must go to Jonathan Katz, who is unexpectedly reunited with his TV son playing the befuddled Dean Dixon, who seemed to know very little about frats, pranks, college, or what he is doing there. 

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Running Gags
Opening credit gags include “Wolf in Cheap Clothing Discount Pet Apparel” and “A Mouse Divided Pest Control,” while the Burger of the Day is “A Leek of Their Own Burger.” Shrugs all around — not a great week for recurring jokes. No big musical numbers this week, though “Sneaky Pete,” a little ditty about one of the sex toys, over the credits is a nice touch. 

Overall Assessment
History will say this was an average episode. 

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