The race is on. Plausibly in an effort to combat the giants of Netflix, Hulu and the Apple, YouTube has decided to avail to us, its loyal audience, The Godfather. In entirety. For free. Seriously. See for yourself. RIGHT HERE.
Although this particular film is free, it is likely in concordance with YouTube’s recent announcement to officially get in on the cinematic streamline. For the past month, Youtube has offering full movies to rent and watch at “industry standard pricing.” You can get in on this action at
YouTube has, traditionally, been a venue for Auto-Tuned media clips, drug-inspired home videos, and theatrical domesticated rodents. But now, teaming the site’s appealing simplicity with this new mission statement, YouTube could become a fundamental warrior in the movie-rental battle royale (and even moreso, the fight against Internet piracy).
We wish you well, YouTube. You have always done well by us, what with your contributions ranging from your groundbreaking musical sensations to your awe-inspiring philosophical tomes. May this new conquest be your double-rainbow.