There are some things that you should never say to a Twilight fan. We are truly dedicated people. Over the years, we’re endured some serious slack for loving a movie about vampires, werewolves, and love-triangles. People think that they can say whatever the want about Twilight and not get punched in the face. Well, they’re wrong.
1. “Twilight sucks.”
Such a creative insult. You’re so witty.
2. “Stephenie Meyer can’t write.”
Oh, and you can?
3. “Robert Pattinson is ugly.”
Rob is a god. How dare you.
4. “Twilight is the best movie in the entire saga.”
Did you actually watch that movie or are you insane?
5. “Edward Cullen is super creepy.”
This face? No way!
6. “The werewolves were lame.”
7. “Those movies are so stupid and cheesy.”
Who cares what they are, they’re still good if you liked the damn books.
8. “They really sucked at casting those movies.”
9. “I’m Team Jacob.”
Or, alternatively, “I’m Team Edward.” Arguments can be made from both sides, even though Team Jacob is wrong.
10. “LOL Cedric Diggory died and became a vampire? How stupid is that.”
How original are you! Not very.
11. “Harry Potter is so much better.”
Sorry, but these films weren’t actually created for the competition. You’re allowed to like BOTH of them, FYI.
12. “Bella is a terrible role model for women.”
If you’re looking for positive female role models in YA books about vampires, you’ve made a terrible wrong turn somewhere in your life. Either way, she’s not a bad role model. She’s a teenager.
13. “Twilight is for dumb teenagers.”
14. And stay the hell away if you’re going to say “Real vampires don’t sparkle.”
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What’s the one thing you never want to hear as a Twilight fan? Share it in the comment section below!