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14 Things You Should Never Say To A Twilight Fan

There are some things that you should never say to a Twilight fan. We are truly dedicated people. Over the years, we’re endured some serious slack for loving a movie about vampires, werewolves, and love-triangles. People think that they can say whatever the want about Twilight and not get punched in the face. Well, they’re wrong.

1. “Twilight sucks.”

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GIPHY/Summit Entertainment

Such a creative insult. You’re so witty.

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2. “Stephenie Meyer can’t write.”

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Summit Entertainment/GIPHY

Oh, and you can?

3. “Robert Pattinson is ugly.”

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Summit Entertainment/tumblr.com

Rob is a god. How dare you.

4. “Twilight is the best movie in the entire saga.”

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Summit Entertainment/tumblr.com

Did you actually watch that movie or are you insane?

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5. “Edward Cullen is super creepy.”

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Summit Entertainment/tumblr.com

This face? No way!

6. “The werewolves were lame.”

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GIPHY/Summit Entertainment

7. “Those movies are so stupid and cheesy.”

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GIPHY/Summit Entertainment

Who cares what they are, they’re still good if you liked the damn books.

8. “They really sucked at casting those movies.”

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Summit Entertainment/tumblr.com

9. “I’m Team Jacob.”

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Summit Entertainment/tumblr.com

Or, alternatively, “I’m Team Edward.” Arguments can be made from both sides, even though Team Jacob is wrong.

10. “LOL Cedric Diggory died and became a vampire? How stupid is that.”

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GIPHY/Summit Entertainment

How original are you! Not very.

11. “Harry Potter is so much better.”

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GIPHY/Summit Entertainment

Sorry, but these films weren’t actually created for the competition. You’re allowed to like BOTH of them, FYI.

12. “Bella is a terrible role model for women.”

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Summit Entertainment/tumblr.com

If you’re looking for positive female role models in YA books about vampires, you’ve made a terrible wrong turn somewhere in your life. Either way, she’s not a bad role model. She’s a teenager.

13. “Twilight is for dumb teenagers.”

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GIPHY/Summit Entertainment

14. And stay the hell away if you’re going to say “Real vampires don’t sparkle.”

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Summit Entertainment/tumblr.com


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What’s the one thing you never want to hear as a Twilight fan? Share it in the comment section below!

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