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‘Vivo’ Is The Definition Of Cuteness Overload

Hey, Hollywooders! What’s Good in the ‘Wood?

I just finished seeing Vivo, 1 of the many new movie releases out now on Netflix. The same team that gave us the music of Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Alex Lacamoire, collaborate again for this animated musical comedy film.  

While nothing is as unique as seeing a movie on the big screen, sometimes sitting comfortably in your own home makes the experience even more enjoyable. The morning it dropped, I sat down on my couch with my coffee and breakfast in hand, ready to watch the new movie.

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Vivo embarks on a fun-filled musical journey

Vivo follows the adventures of an adorable loving kinkajou “honey bear” named Vivo (Lin-Manuel Miranda). The animal spends his days playing music alongside his owner Andrés Hernández (Juan de Marco González), in the town square of Havana, Cuba. When Andrés is invited by his former singing partner and love interest, Marta Sandoval (Gloria Estefan), to a farewell concert, tragedy strikes. With help from Andrés’ energetic grand-niece Gabi (Ynairaly Simo), Vivo sets on a long journey to Miami to deliver Andrés’ love letter for Marta in the form of a song.

Along the way, Vivo and Gabi run into some crazy characters, including strict but good-hearted scout troopers, star-crossed spoonbills, an evil Everglades python who hates sound, and Gabi’s loving but hard-headed mom Rosa (played by Zoe Saldana).

The movie is filled with cuteness overload as every animal and character bring something different to the plot. At first, it was a little hard for me to separate Lin-Manuel Miranda from his character as a lovable kinkajou since his voice is so distinguishable from his Hamilton days. Though once I got into the movie, though, I became enthralled with the little animal.

Vivo’s infuses a Cuban music soundtrack

Lin-Manuel Miranda and Alex Lacamoire used Cuban-inspired music to create the soundtrack for this film. The music grabs you from the moment the film begins with its dance beat and flowy nature. Lin-Manuel offers his vocals for most of the movie, using his rapping skills to dominate every lyric.

This magic forms in the slower songs when he sings with newcomer Ynairaly Simo. It’s a beautiful type of innocence that’s hard to grasp. Ynairaly also gets her own song, a Nicki Minajinspired modern take on Cuban music called “My Own Drum.” I also can’t forget Gloria Estefan’s iconic final number, “Inside Your Heart (Para Marta).” It’s a beautiful love letter to the power of Cuban music.

The best thing about the music in Vivo is that it’s the 1 thing that brings people together. While people don’t understand Vivo when he’s speaking, he can connect with everyone when he sings. It’s a powerful thing.

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What other movie-watchers thought of Vivo

People took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the new Lin-Manuel Miranda film.

We’re crying in a cool way.

We didn’t expect this emotional roller coaster in the morning either.

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Great choice.

We couldn’t agree more!

Catch the heartfelt musical escape of Vivo on Netflix now!

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