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John Malkovich Will Kill Zombies in ‘Warm Bodies’

John MalkovichWanna class up a movie about zombies? Throw in a Malkovich. That’s the age-old motto, anyway.

John Malkovich (Rounders, Art School Confidential, that one where he played a jewel thief) is signing on to join one of the latest undead exploits of cinema: Warm Bodies. In the spirit of the “taking a new look at zombies” era in which we are currently ensconced, writer/director Jonathan Levine (whose upcoming 50/50 looks spine-liquefyingly brilliant) will tell a story of a sympathetic zombie, R (Nicholas Hoult, my how you have grown), who falls in love with the girlfriend of one of the victims of his human feasts. The girl will be played by the increasingly screen-present Teresa Palmer, and R’s comic sidekick (also a zombie) will be mastered by the balloon of hilarium that is Rob Corddry.

John Malkovich is a brilliant addition to the cast, as he is a brilliant addition to anything (book clubs, polo teams, minyans). Although extremely versatile, Malkovich has sort of tackled a specialty in the performance of “bad guys.” In Warm Bodies, his character will be a villainous soldier who is dedicated beyond compulsion to the destruction of the zombie population.

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With a stellar team both behind and in front of the camera, this film looks like it will combat the decreasing freshness attached to zombie creativity and give us another unique and exciting story.

Source: Indiewire

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