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Cowabunga, Dude: The 7 Best Beach Parties in Movies


moonrise kingdom beach scene

Ah, August: the last hurrah of summer. As we count down to Labor Day weekend, the barbeque smells begin to dissipate, beach crowds disappear, and kids across the country race to finish their summer reading (how far are you in Tale of Two Cities? That’s what I thought). But there’s no reason to let the end of sun, sand, and surf get you down — that’s why we have movies! Even when autumn comes rolling in, the magic of film can keep the tanning sessions alive. At least in spirit.

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Don’t let your summer trickle away just yet. Check out Hollywood.com’s gallery of the best beach party scenes in movies and live vicariously through big screen counterparts. If you can’t sit by the rolling ocean sipping mai tais with a lei around your neck, this is the second best thing:

Soak in the 7 Best Beach Party Scenes

Follow Matt Patches on Twitter @misterpatches


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