Writer-director Nicolas Winding Refn (that’s not a typo), whose Wonder Woman project has been in the developmental stages for years now, has voiced his ideal casting for the title character: Christina Hendricks.
Hendricks is most familiar as Joan Harris from Mad Men. Fans of her work on the series would be likely to agree that she would be able to exemplify the superhero capably. Like Harris’ character, Wonder Woman is an archetype of female empowerment in environments of male dominance (except for that twin girl who turned into stuff in the Super Friends).
Having directed Hendricks in 2011’s Drive (which, apparently, everyone LOVED), Refn has decided that she is the definitive choice for Wonder Woman—a project to which he is boundlessly dedicated. Almost creepily dedicated. Refn has stated he was “born to make this film.” Latent childhood fantasies aside, Refn’s upcoming projects also include a remake of Logan’s Run, to reunite him with another Drive star, Ryan Gosling.
Despite (or maybe in light of) Refn’s odd attachment to this project, the entire thing breeds optimism. Wonder Woman has been conspicuously untouched in the eye of the classic superhero revival storm. The exception to this is David E. Kelly (who wrote on every single lawyer comedy on television…ever), who attempted a Wonder Woman series earlier this year, which amounted to nothing. All goes according to Refn’s plan…
Source: Collider