Bruce Willis is set to star in the upcoming drama Ten, directed by Patrick Alessandrin (District 13: The Ultimatum) and written by Skip Woods (The A-Team).
QED International will co-finance with Norton Herrick and produce with Joe Roth (Alice in Wonderland), Palek Patel, Woods, Bill Block, and Paul Hanson. The project starts shooting in December and will cost $35 million.
Currently, there aren’t any details on the script, but Willis has experience with Roth, who was responsible for placing him in major hits The Sixth Sense and Armageddon.
Without much script detail, it’s hard to tell whether or not this is a good role for Willis to take. If it is a character driven drama, hopefully he can handle it. Outside of The Sixth Sense, the actor hasn’t done too many successful dramatic roles that don’t involve a shotgun or pistol. Regardless, Willis has enjoyed a quiet but successful 2010 so far with Cop Out and his small role in The Expendables. With Red gaining a bunch of pre-release buzz, he should round out the year nicely.
Source: Deadline