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Adam Sandler Rides Out West for ‘Ridiculous 6’ with ‘Billy Madison’ Co-Writer

Adam Sandler

Even in his golden era, Adam Sandler was still a largely polarizing force. Many of today’s young adults revere the likes of Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore as the actor/writer’s finest contributions to cinema, but careful recollection will supply open disgust on the part of those parties’ disapproving parents. Today, kids seem to eat up Jack and Jill and Hotel Transylvania, while those same young adults shake their heads at an artistry gone stale. But what will today’s kids think of Sandler’s movies to come in 10 or 15 years? Is he losing his flare as time goes by, updating his routine to suit new generations, or simply only funny when you’re below the age of 13? Sandler’s imminent reunion with his old writing partner Tim Herlihy might help to answer this question: Deadline reports that the two are teaming for a Western comedy called Ridiculous 6 (a play on the classic The Magnificent Seven, presumably).

Sandler’s and Herlihy’s relationship dates back even before their showbiz careers — they were college roommates at NYU. Herlihy worked with Sandler during their coinciding days on Saturday Night Live and cowrote Sandler’s films through the divergent eras of his big screen career. He has cowritten the universally acclaimed The Wedding Singer, fan favorites like Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore, the generally appreciated Big Daddy and Mr. Deeds, bottom-of-the-barrel efforts The Waterboy and Little Nicky, and whatever Bedtime Stories was. This considered, a Sandler/Herlihy reteaming could mean any number of things.

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No word yet on who’ll comprise the reminder of Sandler’s titular Ridiculous 6, but all bets are on some combination of Rob Schneider, Kevin James, Allen Covert, David Spade, John TorturroPeter Dante, Steve Buscemi, Jonathan Loughran, and Chris Rock. But fingers are crossed for Norm MacDonald to work his way back into the Happy Madison universe.

[Photo Credit: Visual/Wenn]


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