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Terrence Howard Gets Pranked: Late Last Night

After Sam Waterston Law and Ordered the hell out of NYC, he called upon some of his friends to go see if they could go Law and Order up Los Angeles, too. Fortunately enough for him, some of his comrades were available to take charge of the endeavor, which included teaching kids to “stop, drop and roll” and that you’ll have to teach a judge’s law class (which he’s confusingly teaching) if you need to wake up a judge in the middle of the night for him to sign a search warrant for you (which in Los Angeles, is going to the secret spot where he’s drag racing). Terrence Howard told Jay Leno last night about what it’s like to be one of Waterston’s next generation, and one of the first pranks that’s been played on him on the show.

And Jillian Michaels told us more about how it’s possible to be really buff and really fit and capable of putting up resistance against a weeping 450 pound 64 year old, there’s really nothing she can do about her “haunted houseguest.”

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Tom Selleck looked the look that people look like when they’re too big for their airplane seat. Things seemed a bit too snug for him between Jimmy Fallon’s chair and his own mustache, but it’s weird because he’s had, like, 65 years to get acquainted with that space.

David Letterman spoke to Tony Blair about his relationships with Bill Clinton and George Bush. Tony continues to believe you don’t get to be President by being a fool, which means his desk is pretty boring because I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have a Bushisms calendar on it.

Lewis Black appeared on The Daily Show and talked about the education crisis and how nobody knows how to fix a school. Black said he was in support of charter schools if getting into it was as hard as rushing the fraternity that makes you have sex with a girl on a statue that’s standing up. ON IT.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Back in Black – Education Crisis
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

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And Stephen Colbert took a peek into what the drug war in Mexico is like, and spoke to John Burnett about how drug cartels are giving journalists a really hard time for showing how they’re drug cartels. And they’re surprised or something?

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Gang Busters – John Burnett
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election March to Keep Fear Alive

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