Fans of The CW’s newest hit show, Arrow, are familiar with the awe-inspiring physical specimen that is Stephen Amell, but for those who don’t dedicate an hour of their Wednesdays to watching him take down white collar criminals each week, stop what you’re doing and watch this right now:
That scene is from the Arrow pilot, and no, that is not a stunt man. That is in fact Amell performing the nearly-impossible-to-defeat salmon ladder himself. Now that you understand how fit he is, also know that he can act. Extremely well. That perfect balance of acting ability and physical fitness makes him perfect for many roles, both in TV and movies. And now that he’s made a name for himself as Oliver Queen on the highly successful CW action drama, he’s making plans to take on other projects during Arrow‘s hiatus, one role in particular.
During a Facebook Q&A, Amell posted a video addressing a fan question about whether or not he would star in the Fifty Shades of Grey movie adaptation. “I get questions about Christian Grey all the time. That project is a long way off,” Amell says. “I know this because I had a meeting about it. Long way off. I mean, not that long, but not close. I wouldn’t call it long, but I wouldn’t call it close.”
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The question of who would portray the lead role in the adaptation of E L James‘ erotic romance novel has been a hot topic ever since Universal Pictures and Focus Features secured the rights to the trilogy in March of 2012. While Amell does have the talent to star in a big-budget blockbuster, as well as the desire to do a movie during the Arrow hiatus, we beg you, Stephen: don’t take this role.
Yes, the lead role in a highly-anticipated movie would certainly help you gain more universal fame than what Arrow has already given you, but this is not the right movie for you. The “mommy porn” is beneath you. It is purely eye-candy for women who don’t care about a well-written plot or defined characters.
You’ve proven that you’re better than this on your show, where Oliver Queen has never just been something nice to look at. You’re more than just a piece of hot meat: you have the acting ability to show depth of character and real emotion. The way you play 3 different versions of the same person on Arrow shows off your talent better than we could attempt to explain (the rich party boy struggling to survive for five years marooned on an island, the hooded vigilante killer that party boy has become in the present after returning home, and the facade that vigilante presents to his family and friends so they don’t know his secret life).
We want to see you succeed and take on a lead role in a big blockbuster movie, but this is not the one for you. Please, we beg of you: pass on this movie. Look elsewhere. We promise you can do better.
Follow Sydney on Twitter: @SydneyBucksbaum
[Photo Credit: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images]
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