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Patrick Wilson & James Marsden Head To The ‘Loft’

Patrick WilsonAt first I though we had an adaptation of Lost heading our way, which was curious considering neither Patrick Wilson nor James Marsden was ever on the show. Then I realized I misheard it and thought it was an adaptation of Lost for people with speech disabilities. Then I found out I was wrong on all accounts and Loft will be an adaptation of a 2008 Belgian thriller.

Anyway, the original director Erik Van Looy (greatest name EVER!) will be handling the English language remake from a script by Wesley Strick. Why they need another script is beyond me when they can just plug the thing into Google Translate for free, but whatever, it wasn’t my decision. The film follows five married friends who rent out a loft for the sole purpose of banging their mistresses in it. Classy gentlemen all around. But then they find a dead lady in the loft and that puts a serious damper on their whole second home plans.

Side question: Ladies, who is hotter – Wilson or Marsden? Feel free to fight it out below. No hair pulling or scratching. Mace is allowed. Profanity and name calling encouraged.

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Source: Variety

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