The writer/director known best for his work on Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and The Bodyguard is set to direct Darling Companion, an upcoming indie film starring Diane Keaton and Kevin Kline as a couple.
A brief outline of the story: Keaton’s character loves her dog more than life itself, and guess what happens? Kline loses it. (Whoops!) Richard Jenkins and Elisabeth Moss are also set to star.
We’re pretty excited. After Kline’s terrific performance as the eccentric Harry Harrison in this past summer’s The Extra Man, we’d love to see him act like a crazy old man again. Here’s an image for you: Kline stumbling all over himself as he chases a dog down the street — running over fruit stands and possibly getting hit by cars — with Diane Keaton following. The script just writes itself!
Source: Deadline