Adele is recovering very nicely after her throat surgery, and she should be back to singing relatively soon. She wrote on her website, “Thank you for all your positive thoughts and well wishes. I’m really doing well, on the mend, super happy, relaxed and very positive with it all. The operation was a success and I’m just chilling out now until I get the all clear from my doctors. Thank you to everyone who voted for the awards I’ve won recently as well. Hugely appreciated. I best get back to practicing my mime show now.” – Adele
Even though Mariah Yeater has dropped the paternity suit against Justin Bieber, People Magazine reports she is still pursuing the matter outside the court of law and still wants a DNA sample from the singer. Yeater’s new lawyer, Jeffrey M. Leving, said “We’re negotiating with Beiber’s counsel, to reach a confidentiality agreement and to get private testing and results.” He also commented, “I just spoke to Mariah today, someone was recently stalking her. She is happy that she changed her number so she’s not getting death threats by phone. She’s a young 20-year-old mother who now has to worry about her safety and her child’s. It’s a lot for any woman that age to handle.” Bieber’s lawyer, Matthew Hiltzik, added “As we’ve said from the beginning, it’s sad that someone would fabricate such a malicious, defamatory, and demonstrably false claim. We’ll continue to consider all of our options to protect Justin.” So it doesn’t really look like this is resolved yet, even though it probably should be. – People
As you know, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1 opens tomorrow, and it just so happens another movie about vampires and werewolves also opens tomorrow: it’s called The Descendants, and it stars George Clooney! What a coincidence, right? Two movies about vampires opening on the same weekend? It’s like two new Barbie Dolls being put on the shelves on the same day! At the premiere for The Descendants, Clooney acknowledged how the competition to be number 1 at the box office will be especially fierce this weekend by telling E! Online’s Marc Malkin, “There’s a lot of talk we’re going to beat [the Twi-hards]. We are going against Breaking Dawn, but the big headlines come Monday will be ‘Descendants Kicks the Hell Out of Breaking Dawn.'” You know The Descendants won’t make more money this weekend than Twilight, because what teenager who’s up to date on their shots would choose a boating accident in Hawaii over sex so rugged the headboard breaks? Although Bella does get pregnant on the first go, so maybe the youths will be desperate to avoid Breaking Dawn and will go see The Descendants, and just pretend their looking at a calendar. – E! Online