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Chuck Lorre Speaks Out

chuck lorreWe have heard next to nothing from Chuck Lorre about how he’s handling all the Charlie Sheen rubbish, and he usually (and understandably) has his lawyer speak on behalf of him in terms of how they plan to handle the legal proceedings. But last night, a serious vanity card appeared at the end of the Lorre-produced The Big Bang Theory that hinted us as to where his thoughts are. It read:

“Whenever I’ve gone though tough times, well-meaning people have told me that God/the universe does not give us more than we can handle. Well, I’ve been going through a tough time recently, and sure enough, that old saying has been tossed my way on several morose occasions. After some careful consideration, I’ve decided it’s bullshit. As an aphorism, it only makes sense in hindsight — after you’ve managed to crawl from the wreckage of whatever calamity that God/the universe decided to toss your way. No one ever uses it to comfort someone who’s been hit by a bus or turned into a puddle of goo by a flesh-eating bacteria (although in the right circumstance, that could be a hoot). Another thing I hear a lot is, ‘this too shall pass.’ Again, I know these are words meant to reassure, but somehow they always leave me feeling that heartbreak, rage and grief are going to come shooting out of me like kidney stones through an inflamed urethra. For someone in crisis, I think a more accurate and helpful assessment of reality would be, ‘love, sex, food, friendship, art, play, beauty and the simple pleasure of a cup of tea are all well and good, but never forget that God/the universe is determined to kill you by whatever means necessary.’ Consider trying that next time you’re called on to do some consoling. If you’re feeling impish, you might also try, ‘according to the rules of comedy, your suffering will be funny after an undetermined length of time. Maybe not while you’re having your gangrenous leg sawed off, watching your home burn down or learning how to be intimate with your cellmate, but, in the big scheme of things, soon.'”

If anything from that statement is clear, it’s that Lorre is fed up with people trying to get him to think about how things will eventually get better. It’s always hard in the midst of a crisis to imagine or recall a time when things were not so horrible, and it’s frustrating to be in a spot where everything you’ve earned and done suddenly seems almost worthless. However, it’s heartening to hear that he realizes everyone goes through unpleasant events in their lives, and that some day, it will all be hilarious. But I can’t imagine him appreciating that a hard day for us is a poop on the couch and a hard day for him is a $100 million lawsuit.

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Source: THR

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