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Chris Penn Died of Enlarged Heart

Reservoir Dogs actor Chris Penn died accidentally from an enlarged heart and the effects of a combination of various medications, according to autopsy and toxicology tests.

The Los Angeles coroner’s office released a statement late Monday, confirming the reasons behind the shock death of Sean Penn‘s younger brother in his Santa Monica, California, apartment on January 24.

The tests labeled the primary causes of death as “nonspecific cardiomyopathy” (an oversized heart) with the “effects of multiple medication intake”.

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Chief coroner investigator Craig Harvey says, “There is absolutely no indication that this is anything but an accident. “We know he had several prescriptions, including promethazine with codeine, which featured predominantly in his death. We don’t know how much he ingested or when. There are a lot of ‘what ifs’ to be factored in.”

Chris, 40, starred in hit films Rush Hour, Starsky and HutchTrue Romance and The Funeral, for which he won the Volpi Cup at the 1996 Venice Film Festival.

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