Leslie Knope is a golden-haired goddess. She is the perfect woman. She is smart, classy, passionate, and witty. She’s got ideals that every woman should model their lives after. She’s the funniest woman in Pawnee (or on TV, if we’re being technical).
1. On why she can’t go home:
2. On how you should do things:
3. On pain:
4. On what food to eat:
5. On taking risks:
6. On what to do in case of emergencies:
7. On the female code:
8. On what to do when you like a guy:
9. On inequality:
10. This too:
11. On drinking:
12. On an appropriate look:
13. On feminism and female power:
14. On what guys like:
15. On what’s important in life:
16. On Ann:
17. On percentages needed in life:
What is your favorite Leslie Knope quote? Sound off in the comments!
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