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7 Reasons Why Brienne of Tarth Should Win The ‘Game of Thrones’

The seven gods (or at least HBO’s writers) have answered our prayers by bringing us an epic start to the sixth season of  Game of Thrones. Already, there is one them that e is heavily apparent, strong, independent women are ready to take over Westeros. With the Stark sisters’ determination, Cersei’s power-trippy fierceness, Yara Greyjoy’s rule over the Iron Islands and Daenerys being the Mother of Dragons, one lade of Westeros often gets overlooked. Here are seven reasons why we think Brienne of Tarth should totally win the game of thrones.

1. She is basically the most loyal person in the Seven Kingdoms.


When it comes to George R.R. Martin‘s fictional world, you’re hard-pressed to find a decent person without ulterior motives. There’s so much political turmoil across the Seven Kingdoms that even the best characters seem to find themselves compromising their morals. Brienne is arguably one of the most selfless living souls in Westeros (in addition to Hodor), as seen by her true dedication to those she pledges to serve as a knight. 

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2. We’ve yet to see her bad side.


Despite the messy chaos of the world around her, Brienne is truly a hero to those she serves. Not only does she risk her own safety to protect others, but she genuinely tries to do the right thing. Sounds like the making of a good queen…right?

3. She’s (quite literally) one of the strongest women in the show.


This girl could definitely lead her own army. If Brienne were to take the throne, she’d be at the front line of every battle, keeping morale high and fighting with the troops. In addition to being an exceptional swordsman (or swordswoman), she has the guts, brains and drive to win any war.

4. Though she’s considered a “misfit”, she’s super cool.


Back in season three, we received a glimpse into Brienne’s backstory. Ostracized by bullies growing up, the only daughter of Sewlyn Tarth was not about to let haters get the best of her. As one of the strongest women on the show, this character defies the standards of typical female beauty, replacing gowns and necklaces with armor-clad grace and style! 

5. Her character has been integral in transforming other characters.

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Season six finally brought us our long-awaited Brienne and Sansa reunion. Now that she’s finally in the oldest Stark girl’s service, it looks like she’s going to play a big role in helping Sansa achieve her goal of taking back Winterfell. Plus, she’s definitely contributed to the evolution of our beloved Podrick Payne!

6. She’s not afraid to dish a little sass here and there.


We’re all pretty fed-up with those pesky Lannisters (except Tyrion), and Brienne was never afraid to show it. When dealing with Jamie, back in season three, she took his insults like a champ and dished the sass right back. Girl tells it like it is.

7. Her rule would be one with justice and honor.


We’d like to think that the era of House Tarth would be one of fairness, kindness and good judgement. While Brienne might be too humble to ever truly vie for the Iron Throne, her rule might be just what Westeros needs. #BrienneForQueen

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