This Grammys was a huge celebration of music and not just of last year’s, that was pretty evident with the show opening with an AC/DC performance of “Highway to Hell”. Sam Smith took home 4 Grammys , proving that he was the new comer that has come out on top. Kanye also had his first ever Grammy performance and it was very heartfelt. We decided to sum up our feeling from the night’s event using 15 tweets that were just so real.
1. Kanye has to be trolling us, right?
“@GGNewMusic: “NOT SMILING MAKES ME SMILE” -KW #GRAMMYs” we still love you #kanye
— jovanka segura (@4sureisSegura) February 9, 2015
2. Our drinking game of the night.
Ah, the now classic #GRAMMYs drinking game of taking a drink every time LL Cool J licks his lips is on. As per @TheLandfill.
— Matt Wake (@matthewbwake) February 9, 2015
3. We want to say Rihanna.
— Hartemes Rosario S. (@Hartemes9) February 9, 2015
4. On Pharrell’s stage exit:
I really expected him to moon walk #letdown #GRAMMYs
— chelsea (@chellyrobynbean) February 9, 2015
5. Sorry, but what was Miranda Lambert singing about?
Is “You can’t ride in my little red wagon” a euphemism for something? #Grammys
— Fake Geek Queen❄️ (@SailorSoapbox) February 9, 2015
6. Really, your home?
“Welcome back to my home.” Now I’m picturing LL Cool J pulling an air mattress out to the middle of the Staples Center at night. #GRAMMYs
— Jenna Anderson (@heyitsjennalynn) February 9, 2015
7. Coincidence? I think not!
Madonna is wearing the color scheme of a vampire / visitors from the original V series. Whatever you think I’m implying, I am. #GRAMMYs
— Graham Cawthon (@GrahamCawthon) February 9, 2015
8. Shadeeeee
All the ‘Beck is still making music?’ jokes stopped making sense the moment I realized Tom Petty was nominated in that category. #GRAMMYs
— Josh Flagner (@RailbirdJ) February 9, 2015
9. Can we just party with Taylor Swift?
“@peoplemag: No one is having more fun tonight than @taylorswift13: Exhibit A. #GRAMMYs” I just love her!
— Loreal Fultz (@FultzLoreal) February 9, 2015
10. Ed Sheeran could just play the whole show and we wouldn’t mind.
I’m so happy <3 @edsheeran #Edkilledit #GRAMMYs
— Emily Pasquinelli ⚓☁ (@Emily_Katers) February 9, 2015
11. What a great way to use this platform.
having to go on national television to talk about your abuse is such a brave and powerful thing to do and I’m so glad she did #ItsOnUs
— x (@niallftlloyd) February 9, 2015
12. What kind of show is this again?
Seriously #GRAMMYs…you really should consider actually giving out awards at your awards show. #thisisjustaconcert #Seriously
— Brandie (@whitebread_81) February 9, 2015
13. Add this to the list on why we love Prince.
“@HuffPostEnt: Best line from the the #Grammys”MY EVERYTHING
— Jade (@tkozarry) February 9, 2015
14. Loved it, but YES!
Anyone else feel like Kristen Wiig basically did a super mashup of all her SNL characters for that #Sia performance? #Grammys
— Becca Frucht (@BeccaFrucht) February 9, 2015
15. The struggle:
When Everyone KNOWS You’re THE SHIT But You Don’t Win Album Of The YEAR !!! #GRAMMYs
— MEDIATAKEOUT (@MediaTakeoutTV) February 9, 2015
What do you think of this year’s Grammys? Tweet us your answers using the Twitter handles below!