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The 16 Best Horror Movies Of The Past Decade

ALTQuick, name the greatest horror movie of all-time. It’s a spine-tingling classic made well over twenty years ago, isn’t it? The Exorcist, Jaws, The Shining, Halloween, Alien, Psycho, Carrie, Night of the Living Dead, Rosemary’s Baby. While all of those films are unequivocally contenders for the title of “Best Horror Movie Ever Made” for their decades of scaring the ever-living (and un-living) daylights out of moviegoers, it’s easy to forget that there have been some horror masterpieces made more recently. 

In twenty years from now movie buffs and experts alike could just as easily be arguing that The Descent (pictured), Let The Right One In, or Paranormal Activity has bragging rights to being called the creepiest, crawliest flick in history. That’s because since 2002 Hollywood has turned out some the best — and most importantly, scariest — horror movies you’ve ever seen. From the nerve-shattering home intrusion nightmare The Strangers to the zombie-riffic 28 Days Later we are running down the films that are setting the standards for the next generation of horror and making their mark on horror history. Prepare yourself, it’s…

[Photo credit: Lionsgate]


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