Not only have Amber Tamblyn and David Cross been one of the coolest celebrity couples out there, but now they’re one of the coolest married couples out there. That’s right, the two made it official last night in a ceremony that further cemented their hepcat status.
An Instagram photo of the two from director Lance Bangs confirmed that the couple had indie rock band “Yo La Tengo playing Superchunk, Mission of Burma, and Pixies covers at David and Amber’s wedding.” Word on the street is that The Roots’ drummer Questlove also deejayed for part of the evening–as if the two needed more cool kid cred at the post-nuptials bash. Now you’re just showing off, you guys. Not fair!
The couple announced their engagement back in August of 2011, but have been dating since sometime in mid-2008. Mazels all around!
[Photo Credit:; Lance Bangs’ Instagram]
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